Backlinking-532x266-1 Backlinks – Quality Versus Quantity

Backlinks – Quality Versus Quantity

Backlinking is a strategy for acquiring hyperlinks from other websites. The purpose of it is to get more exposure and visibility for your site. The more backlinks you have, the better, right? Not necessarily.

Linking is an important component of search engine optimization (SEO) since popular search engines like Google use links to crawl the web.

Quality backlinks from reputable domains can boost your website’s rank in the search engine results. In addition, these links improve the trustworthiness of your website to Google. Getting backlinks from high-authority sites and blogs will help you increase your domain authority and trust score. But they can be hard to get. Consider a strategy that focuses on mid-level sites who are more likely to link back to your content.

Quantity backlinks are just what you’d think – more links from other websites. In many cases, the sites are low- to mid-quality sites that are somewhat reliable and get a lot of traffic, such as list-serve sites. In this strategy, you’re more considered with getting links than the quality of the link. Yikes!

“A large part of increasing Domain Authority comes from link building, but the quality of links matters much more than the quantity.” – Adpearance

With quantity backlinks, “You run the risk of accidentally generating backlinks from spammy websites, which will, in turn, hurt your own SEO,” write Neil Patel.

How to Get Quality Backlinks

The following are some effective backlinking techniques you can implement to boost your website’s authority and traffic.

  • Guest blogging is an effective way to gain backlinks and is an effective way to get backlinks. As long as you link to the website of a reputable organization, it will help your site’s ranking in the search engine results. Followerwonk can help you find people in your niche that are publishing articles. Reach out to them and ask if you can guest blog for them.
  • Offering valuable content in return for the backlink is also a good strategy. For example, you write a quality post about a topic and link to another source. That source views the link and thinks, yeah, that’s a good piece. Keep the link.
  • Social promotion is a great way to get a backlink from an external source.
  • Use third-party tools to find instances where your brand name or domain name is mentioned outside your site. Mention provides a list of 10 tools here.
  • Local business listings are often overlooked but are a great way to increase domain authority.
  • Images, graphics, and videos are easy to link to and share and provide a good resource for quality links.

If you want your website to rank on the top of search engines, you need to build a strong foundation. Keep in mind that backlinks are a long-term strategy. The goal is to build a network that will drive sales.

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