dalle-text-canva-hack-1 Canva Hack for Editing Dall-e Image Text

Canva Hack for Editing Dall-e Image Text

If you’re like me, generating graphics with AI can be a double-edged sword. You love the imagery, but the text leaves a little to be desired.

Whenever I create something using Dall-e, I hold my breath that the text will be correct. However, nine times out of ten it isn’t.

I’m here to tell you there’s a fix.


Here’s how to do it. Watch the step-by-step tutorial here.

  1. Create the image using Dall-e.
  2. Download the Dall-e image.
  3. Upload it into Canva.
  4. Select the image. Click Edit photo.
  5. Select Grab Text from the Magic Studio options.
  6. Canva scans the image and identifies text for editing.
  7. Edit the text.
  8. Save the file.
  9. Download the revised image.

In Action

In ChatGPT, I asked it to create an image using Dall-e for a LinkedIn post image 1920px x 1080px. The image should include:

  • a group of people on a marketing team
  • the headline “Best AI Marketing Tools for Small Teams in 2025”
  • using a comic book style

Below is the original image. You can see that the text is not uniform and LinkedIn doesn’t have a capital “I.”

DAlle-Marketing-image-original-1-1024x585 Canva Hack for Editing Dall-e Image Text

Once I’ve used the grab text feature in Canva, I can modify the text elements one by one to create a new image, which you see below.

What I’ve done.

  1. Removed the LinkedIn misspelled name in the top left corner.
  2. Removed the smudged AJI text in the middle of the table.
  3. Removed the image size 1920x text in the top.
  4. Replaced the headline text to be uniform. I also applied a shadow effect and increased the font size.
  5. Download the revised image for use.
Dalle-Image-Text-Fix-1920x1080-2-1024x576 Canva Hack for Editing Dall-e Image Text

Your Turn!

Now that you have this Canva hack, keep using those Dall-e images in your content design.

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