24 Days of Content to Fill Your Social Media Calendar

Stumped for content ideas for your social media feed? We have the answer!

Here are different ideas to help you fill your social media calendar. Want more ideas? Download the 30 Days of Social Media Content.

  1. Refresh & Re-post: Dust off relevant content and add a new photo. Then reshare it.
  2. Case Study: Share a client success story, including data and quotes.
  3. Best-Of List: Promote your most popular blogs or content.
  4. Tutorial: Demonstrate, with video, how to do something.
  5. How-To: Keep the list short and use odd numbers for better engagement.
  6. Freebie: Create a downloadable that fans will love. Capture leads too.
  7. Snackables: Break-up presentation content into snackable pieces.
  8. Hacks: Wow fans with tips on how to hack a common task.
  9. Polls: Ask a question and offer 3-4 choices. Then share results.
  10. Tool Belt: What tools do you use? Ask the audience and then share the list. P.S. This is great for backlinking too.
  11. Discounts: Surprise fans with a discount off services, events, or products.
  12. Holidays: Celebrate holidays with themed graphics, videos, and posts.
  13. That’s Strange: Share fun or strange facts about your / your client’s industry.
  14. Announcements: Promote a webinar, event, new service, or product.
  15. Look at That: Post a behind-the-scenes video about your business.
  16. FAQs: Answer client or commonly-asked industry questions.
  17. Quotes: Leadership, humor, interesting facts, stats, and more.
  18. Fill in the Blank: Ask fans to complete a fill-in-the-blank sentence, like “If I won the lottery, I would _______.”
  19. Humor: Cartoons, memes, gifs, and video clips are good for engagement.
  20. Controversy: Ask an industry-related hot topic, like “Is GIF pronounced ‘ghif’ or ‘jif’?”
  21. What day it is? The National Day Calendar has fun, national days to celebrate.
  22. Infographics: Like the one for this list, make data easier to digest.
  23. Trivia: Post a trivia question and acknowledge the right answers.
  24. What is that? Post a zoomed-in photo of something common (like a tennis ball) to see if people know what it is.

If you need help creating a content calendar for your business, give us a call.

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