3 Simple Tips to Improve Your Boring Emails

When it comes to writing professional emails, it’s not always easy. Here are three tips to help you write more effective emails that increase open rates and generate clicks to your website.

The Why

Your first consideration should be why you’re writing/sending the email in the first place.

  • What question are you asking or answering?
  • Why do your readers need it?
  • Why now?

Once you know those answers, headlines are your ace in the hole. Craft headlines that generate open rates with a tool like CoSchedule’s Headline Generator. Plus, the Hemmingway Editor helps you to write bold, clear, and grammatically-correct emails.


Next, segment your list into the high-open rate members and the less-frequent openers. Send your priority emails to the high-open rate list to help increase open rates. Then, on a monthly or quarterly basis, send a “We miss you…” email to help re-engage the slackers. If they respond, move them toward the high-open rate list, but give them a few emails to before moving them there.

It’s Personal.

Finally, make it personal. Use words that are less “professional” sounding and more conversational. Include a person’s name, job role, or title somewhere unexpected in the email. Sure, anyone can put a [first-name] field in the open. When you’re writing about something that impacts a person, using their name in the content creates a wow factor.

Try applying one or all of these tips in your next email campaign.

What’s your biggest email challenge?

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