create-great-content How to Create Great Content

How to Create Great Content

The other day I was presenting a webinar and one of the participants asked, “Do you have any tips on how to create great content?”

Of course, I said yes. It’s my bread and butter actually.

I’m sharing the tips to create great content and the process I use to develop it. To help you fill your calendar, download the 30 Days of Social Media Content.

The Process

  1. Answer a question or provide a solution to a pain point. If I don’t have a question from a client, I turn to for suggestions. That resource provides you with the top search questions people ask about a topic.
  2. Define what I’m creating. There are dozens of content pieces you can create from just one topic, e.g., blog, infographic, tip sheet, checklist, video, podcast, slide deck, whitepaper, ebook, etc.
  3. Research to provide stats, data, quotes, or other interesting tidbits about the topic.
  4. Edit. Refine.
  5. Identify a call to action – what do I want people to do with the content. Do I need a lead-generation form? Do I want them to share it? Do I want them to click on additional resources on my site? Do I want them to call me, buy something, use a coupon, etc.?
  6. Add a catchy title. That’s where title generators come in very handy.

The Tools

Online Writing Tool Resources

Headline Generators

Visual Creation Tools

Filler Content

Call-to-Action Formula

If you are having content-development challenges, begin by thinking about your customers’ needs. Then answer them.

Need Help?

We specialize in content development for small business owners and CPAs. Give us a call if you need help developing a content piece or strategy to draw in leads.

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