landing-page When do I put my content behind a form?

When do I put my content behind a form?

You create content for your brand. But, is every piece of content worthy of a form completion just to see it?

If you’re like me, you hate it when you visit a website for the first time and are immediately asked to sign up for something before consuming any content. How do you know if the content is worthy if you’ve never seen it?

So, when do you put content behind a form (also known as gated content)?

Here’s an easy-to-view infographic to help you make that decision each and every time.

Share it with colleagues. Post it to your memory board. Send it to those who create content and update your website. Most of all, slip it under the door of those who believe every piece of content is form worthy.

Should-this-content-have-a-form-infographic-sm When do I put my content behind a form?
Click to enlarge and download.

What is it?

If it’s a blog or infographic, don’t bother with a form. People viewing that content are looking for information rather than seeking to engage with a brand.

For other, more time-intensive or lead-generation creative, such as ebooks, whitepapers, webinars, videos, etc., a form might be appropriate.

How do you know?

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, then it should be behind a form. If you answer no, avoid the form.

Will this content:

  • Save the reader time or money?
  • Aid the consumer in learning a new skill?
  • Co-exist with another company/brand?
  • Explain your product?
  • Provide instruction, e.g., how to?
  • Be share-worthy?

After you’ve done this a few times, you’ll get the hang of whether or not the content is form-worthy.

Need help creating content?

We can assist. Reach out to us with your content dilemma and we’ll see how we can help.

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