10 Ways to Add Spark to Your Email Campaigns

Do you feel that your email campaigns are losing their shine? Maybe you’re not getting as many opens or clicks as in the past.

It’s time to try something new. How about injecting one of these fun ideas into a campaign now and again? You might experience an uptick in activity and/or a boost in people joining your email list.

  1. Trivia about their local area or businesses they support, e.g., restaurants, construction, real estate, etc.
  2. Jokes, oddities, or fun stories (yes, accounting can be fun) as long as it’s on-brand. There are a lot of resources you can use for this.
  3. Highlight something happening in the community and how your firm’s a part of it.
  4. Crosswords, coloring pages, and word finds can be educational and fun. Tie the theme to a monthly or quarterly submission “contest” with a pride button (not prize) for the winner.
  5. Showcase accounting-related movies or books to promote interest in how accounting is more than just tax.
  6. Ask employees to do a video clip with “3 things” client’s needs to know, e.g., cash flow, profit and loss, inventory management.
  7. Look at the National Day Calendar and find a fun topic to ask staff about that might seem off the wall. Tie it back to a theme for the firm, e.g., community-mindedness, giving back, solving problems, etc.
  8. Tie things back to minor or major holidays, like best money-saving advice from mother/father/grandparents on those “holidays.”
  9. “Did you know” trivia is fun.
  10. Swag bag promotions on a semi-annual or quarterly basis can also increase engagement with clients and referrals.

I  hope one or more of these sparks a new idea for your email marketing efforts. If you need help, give me a call.

Find more email marketing tips on our blog.

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