5-content-curation-tips 5 Content Curation Tips to Fill Your Social Media Calendar

5 Content Curation Tips to Fill Your Social Media Calendar

Content curation requires a thoughtful strategy, just like creating your own content does. You begin with a business goal. Define the social media goals that will help you reach that business goal. Then develop a content strategy to support it. That content strategy should include both curated (content from others) and created (content you create).

Content Curation Tips

  1. Know your audience – Ask yourself how does this content help my target audience; does this align with my brand; and how is it relevant for my audience?
  2. Credit sources by tagging them in your posts. Adding a link to the content in your post is good, but not enough. Also tag them using their profile handle by social media platform (they could be different).
  3. Avoid just sharing their post by adding your own thoughts to it. Another idea is to add a piece of their content to your graphic and add your thoughts to the post copy. See the example below.
  4. Add it to your content scheduling tool to fill any gaps in your content schedule
  5. Mix and match your content with curated content. I’ve seen stats from Hootsuite that suggests a 60/40 split of curated to original content. But I flip that ratio around using a 40% curated : 60% original formula. Do your own test to see what works for you.

What challenges are you having when it comes to curating content?

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