9 Things to do Before A Social Media Crisis Happens

If you think a social media crisis won’t happen to your brand, you are wrong. The likelihood has grown stronger than ever before.

HubSpot shares some eye-opening crisis communication stats. The one that stood out to me was “69% of business leaders reported experiencing a crisis over a period of five years, with the average number of crises being three.”

What to do before a social media problem becomes a crisis?

  1. Create a social media policy, including:
    • Copyright, Privacy, Confidentiality, and Brand Voice guidelines
  2. Secure your accounts
  3. Use social listening tools to identify potential issues
  4. Define “what is a crisis” for your brand
  5. Craft a crisis communication plan
  6. Pause all scheduled posts
  7. Engage, but don’t argue
  8. Communicate internally
  9. Learn from experience

Are there templates?

Yes! Dozens of social media crisis planning templates exist on the web. Here are a few resources I’d recommend.

Time is of the Essence

Creating a crisis communication plan is not something you want to do when the crisis is unfolding. It’s something to be planned and tested beforehand, then updated on a regular basis.

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