frustrated-532x2661-1 Help! My Site’s Not Ranking for Any Keywords

Help! My Site’s Not Ranking for Any Keywords

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this…

I conduct about 5-7 website audits per year. They are time consuming and detailed oriented. But, oh, they are very interesting to analyze.

What are some ways you can overcome this?

  1. Create a content theme calendar so each month you post content on the site related to that content, e.g., January – marketing plan development, February – Inbound marketing, March – Merger integration, etc.
  2. Ensure the keyword phrase for the content that’s created is in the URL, Title, content description tag, keyword list, and the alt tag of the image (remember to include your brand if the image is yours).
  3. Review past content to see if you can update meta tags (title, description, keywords, alt tag, URL) related to the phrases you want to be ranked for.
  4. Consider leveraging intent keywords to help your content to be found in search and voice search.
  5. Post new content on the site at least monthly, better to have it happen weekly if possible. RSS feeds are really good for this. Consider one to add to your site’s footer.
  6. Spend a limited amount for online ads to help in the short term.
  7. Share content on social media platforms using the keyword phrase within the message and/or as a hashtag.

In the end, identify what you want to rank for (no more than 1-3 phrases) and then create content consistently for that phrase.

If you need help with your social media, would like a website audit, or just want some pointers, reach out. I’d be happy to help.

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