SM-Workout-532x266-1 5 Social Media Workout Tips for Small Business Owners

5 Social Media Workout Tips for Small Business Owners

Summer is just around the corner. You know what that means – getting your body in shape for swimsuit season.

It also means giving your social media strategy a little boost to help increase engagement, drive sales, and generate leads.

Here are five summer social media workout tips to put on your calendar.

30-Minute Assessment

Take thirty minutes to review your business goals. Then, check that your social media strategy is supporting those goals. If they do not, now’s the time to update them and align your social media strategy to them. Unsure how to do it? Download my Content Strategy in 10 Minutes template to help you get started.

Time to Stretch

Now that you have your business and social media goals refreshed, it is time to stretch those creative brain cells. Sure, you know all the technical mumbo-jumbo, but your audience does not. Think about your client’s pain points and how you can creatively provide solutions.

For example, rather than just talking about cash flow, create a video with a bucket of cash flowing over something, like a tired business person at a desk. Then share 3-5 points they can use to make that cash flow a reality.

Heavy Lifting

You’ve identified your business goals and listed some creative solutions, now comes the heavy lifting—implementation. Okay, I get it. You’re not a graphic designer. No worries. Review my Favorite, Free Marketing and Social Media Tools list to create content that looks like a million bucks.

Tip: Create multiple designs for the same piece of content. Then share them several times over a few weeks. Using different headlines and text helps increase your ability to draw in readers. Here are some Headline Writing Tips to get you started.

Get Into A Groove

Social media is not a set-it-and-forget-it process. It needs feeding and care, just like your workouts. Create a posting schedule with multiple posts per week. Develop a variety of media for your content to keep things fresh. Use a social media scheduling tool to avoid being tied to a computer.


You don’t want to do all this work if you’re not going to pay attention to results, right? Neil Patel wrote The 5 Easy Steps To Measure Your Social Media Campaigns and I think it is right on the money.

Now that you have the five social media workout tips, it’s time to begin building that body of work. We’d love to hear about your success in the comments below.

Want more tips?

Download the How to be a Social Accounting Firm handbook. The tips in this booklet work for most types of companies. However, the examples are focused on the accounting profession.

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