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LinkedIn-Ad-Tips-532x266-1 LinkedIn Ad Tips from 10 Experts

LinkedIn Ad Tips from 10 Experts

If you’re considering your first LinkedIn ad campaign, you’ll want to read this first. @AdrienneNakohl asked on Twitter, “I’m about to try ads on LinkedIn. What should I know before I publish?” Here are the responses she received from ten marketing and social media experts. 10 Experts Responded It’s expensive, but often it’s (almost) justifiably

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GA4-Reports-532x266-1 Setting Up GA4 Reports

Setting Up GA4 Reports

If you’re wondering how to get the same data in your GA4 reports that you had in your UA reports, it takes a bit of patience and thinking to make it happen. Also, you may not be able to recreate the data as you saw in the your old reports. Plus, currently, you cannot schedule

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campaigns GA4 Campaigns Report

GA4 Campaigns Report

Are you running Google Ads or other campaigns you want to track in GA4 reports? It’s not straight forward. That’s why I created this custom report you can use to view specific campaign data. How to create a custom GA4 Campaigns Report. This report is for Google Ads or other campaigns. From the left navigation

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