marketing-plan The Only 5-Step Marketing Campaign Development Process You Need

The Only 5-Step Marketing Campaign Development Process You Need

You’ve read so many eBooks, blogs, and success stories about creating a marketing campaign that you know there must to be a better way.

There is!

Here is a simple, five-step marketing campaign process you can use over and over to prepare and launch a great campaign.

  1. Develop content
  2. Write emails for scheduled drips
  3. Prepare the email lists (existing and prospects)
  4. Create the landing page
  5. Schedule for release and follow up

Here’s an example.

Content: Tax Prep eBook, incorporating 5 blogs you’ve already released

Emails: (1) Download our newest resource (2) thank you for downloading (3) you might also like this (4) register for our webinar

Lists: choose your email list segments

Landing page: Include an image, interesting headline, three to five bullet points, and relevant call to action

Schedule: release the initial email (and social media posts to support its release) and schedule the other emails in the series.

Follow up: after capturing the leads, follow up within 24 – 48 hours (this is where the email series comes in handy  because it’s automated).

That’s it.

Here are some additional resources you might like.

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