Setting Up GA4 Reports

If you’re wondering how to get the same data in your GA4 reports that you had in your UA reports, it takes a bit of patience and thinking to make it happen. Also, you may not be able to recreate the data as you saw in the your old reports. Plus, currently, you cannot schedule and email reports. But this new tool is changing and the functionality may be coming soon.

My Favorite GA Reports

Here are my top-five google analytics reports and how to recreate them in GA4.

  1. Traffic by Channel and Social Media Grouping
  2. Traffic By Country/City
  3. Device Category Sessions
  4. Content by Pages
  5. Campaigns
  6. Exploration Templates and Behavior Reports
  7. How to Track Clicks

View your new reports.

  1. Login to your Google Analytics Account.
  2. Under Properties and Apps, choose the GA4 view.
  3. From the left navigation bar, click the Reports icon (looks like a graph).
  4. In the top, right corner, change the reporting date to the dates you want to review.
  5. From the left navigation bar, choose the report you want to view. When you’ve found it, click the Share icon in the top, right corner.
  6. Choose to share the file via a link, or download the file as a PDF or CSV file. The file will save to your downloads folder.

Reports commonly viewed:

  • Acquisition > Overview, Traffic Acquisition and Traffic by Channel and Social Media
  • Engagement > Overview, Events, Content by Pages, and Campaigns
  • Demographics > Overview, Demographic Details, and Traffic by Country/City
  • Tech > Devices and Tech Details

Sharing Reports

Unfortunately, scheduled reports are unavailable in GA4—currently. So, you’ll have to email the reports when you need to share them. They are available as an email link directly from GA4, or you can download a PDF or CSV file and share it via your own email program.

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